But the headwind was huge. I don't know the wind speed, but it was enough to make me cold. The good side is that I'll fly home, unless it changes direction. If it does change and I ride home in a headwind, I'll whine about it here.
I saw tracks of three other bicyclists along the Diagonal Trail in NE Minneapolis. This trail doesn't see much traffic so it was nice to see others out at such an early time of day in the snow.
'tis the season for the return of the snow-tongue.
The NE Diagonal is a nice trail, unfortunately it terminates at the north in a crummy location in Roseville!
'tis the season for return of the snow-tongue.
The NE Diagonal trail is great, unfortunately it connects with basically nothing at the NE end in Roseville.
That termination point happens to be really close to the building in which I work. This is also the area where the trucker yelled at me to get on the bike path. I described that in a post last month.
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