Yesterday, I rode to Lake Harriet on the bike path. It was fun to ride along side the snow shoers and skiers. When I reached Lake Harriet, I couldn't go any further, because the path was drifted shut. I'm not sure this photo shows the drifts very well -- not enough contrast.
On Thursday, I walked to a coffee shop. Here's Chicago Avenue at about 50th Street.
During yesterday's ride, I paid attention to the slush building up in front of the front fender. As the tire rotates, it pulls a little snow out to the leading edge of the fender where it accumulates and rides on top of the tire. When I stopped it remained sitting there. During the ride, it grew and shrank, but it always hung on. The bike was full of interesting snow buildups. The brakes had snow fins on them like a 1950s era Cadillac.
That's got to make you more aerodynamic!
Wow! That's a lot of snow. It's supposed to be in the 50's here tomorrow. Early spring I hope...
We're getting some warmer weather too. It'll make riding pleasant.
You're making slushies! What you should do is harvest your bounty and send it to the processing plant in Grand Forks where it will be filtered, bleached, pasturized and martinized before being sent out to SuperAmerica stations.
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