A couple
other bloggers I read recently posted about bumper stickers they've seen. With this on my mind as I rode through the Powderhorn neighborhood of Minneapolis, I began noticing bumper stickers. Some of them are pretty entertaining and the Powderhorn neighborhood is known to be leftward leaning on the political spectrum.
This bumper sticker stood out.
This post seems to fit with that bumper sticker...
I have one on my car that says, "MORE TREES, LESS BUSH". I get mixed reactions. Mostly positive though, and this is a conservative area. I'm not sure I like this sort of advertisement on my car though. I think I'd rather be anonymous.
I can't wrap my head around the idea of having negative thoughts about the President during a time of war. Now is not the time to be thinking critically.
HA! I haven't seen that one driving about town.
FOB - funny link!
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