I brought a camera and decided to take dark time photos of the Midtown Greenway Bridge (over Hiawatha Avenue in Minneapolis). I took some daylight photos two weeks ago and I've posted those too. To top it all off, I took a video while riding over the bridge. All you people from out of town can see what it's like to ride over a $5,000,000 bicycle/pedestrian bridge. I'm not knocking the price of the bridge. In the big scheme of road construction, that's probably a small project.
Here's the video. As Leonard Pinth-Garnell would say, "Perfectly awful!"
Gosh! I think it's fantastic that a community would even think of spending that much money on bike/pedestrian bridge. Wouldn't happen here in Virginia, I can tell you that! Heck, we can even get people to agree on footing (no pun intended!) the cost to maintain the roads we have for cars.
I'm feeling a wee bit seasick after watching your video. ;-)
Nice timing with the lrt horn.
Did you get any of that black flem like I got?
This was fun. I am a sucker for commuting photos and video. Now that we have heard you dialect there is one question that needs to be answered.
Are you a cop in Fargo? 8>)
revrunner: Yes, I'm thankful for the work others before me have done to promote bicycling in this area.
Pete: Sorry.
Lunatic: It was a nice coincidence.
Jasckrabbit: Only greenies.
Midnight: I'm like an aural chameleon. I sound like where ever I live.
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