We rode over Interstate 35W in Minneapolis on the 42nd Street pedestrian bridge. The interstate is closed today for work. With no cars underneath us, it was really quite and nice.

I converted my commuter bike to a 4 speed. Through a trade, I got the 4-speed guts and installed them in my already built 3-speed wheel. The shifting is pretty stiff. I'll lubricate the hub and all the shifting pivot points. That may improve the situation.
Click on the photos for the larger version. The detail captured by the camera was pretty good, because the light was very nice.
Thumbs up on the 3/4 speed conversion. I have one of those coming up shortly. I have both AG and FG hubs. Unfortunately the FG is 40 hole and I cannot find a CR18 rim in that drilling. Fortunately the AG is 36...those are available.
Who's the handsome lad in the very fashionable thrift store flannel?
That's kind of funny, because I took the 4-speed guts out of a 40 hole hub for which I had a 40 hole CR-18.
I bought the CR-18 from the guy in the flannel shirt. Handsome?
2whls: Hiawatha Cyclery in Minneapolis has plenty of 40h CR18 rims (in several sizes). I had no idea there was such high demand.
That thrift store flannel actually was a Christmas gift from my late father, and I assume he bought it new. Now its torn condition would render it unacceptable as a thrift store donation, but I find it comfortable. Also it allows me to fly under the radar and make everybody think I'm not wealthy.
Huh, just checking here for new comments and noticed that my word verification is "sprouts".
Nice pics!
could you post the innerds of one of those hubs sometime?
Cool. I'm completely ignorant of multi-speed internal hubs. Probably a good thing, otherwise I would "shift" into acquisition mode.
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