Thursday, October 11, 2007

Followup on Bus Incident

I received a message from the local bus company (MTC) in response to my complaint about a specific driver. I think it's great that MTC responded. I usually find the MTC bus drivers to be great. It's the school bus drivers that are scary.

The response was from an MTC manager who said she talked to the driver and that the safety specialist would also talk with the driver. I'm satisfied with that. I've ridden the same route and not had any bus troubles again, whatever that's worth.


Smudgemo said...

Yeah, but now they are looking for you...

The Old Bag said...

My sweetie was cut off downtown when a bus swerved into him -- he was in the bicycle lane. Luckily there was a driveway or he'd have gotten hung-up by the curb and pinched into the side of the bus...rode down the sidewalk and hollered at the driver who smiled and waved back.

He filed a complaint, got a followup phone call.

Wonder if it's the same driver....

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